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How to stop your dog biting you or others

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Is your dog constantly biting you or the visitors who come to your place? Is he tugging on your hands and pants? This is a common issue faced by dog owners who live in every corner of the world. Even though this is a frustrating situation, your dog might not have a clear understanding on what he/she does at all. As a result, there is no point in scolding your dog for such behavior. If you scold, your dog might tend to do it over and over again. Here are some effective methods that you can follow in order to keep the dog away from biting you or others.

In order to avoid aggressive behavior, you can motivate your dog. It should be done in the dogs’ language. For example, you can scream loudly as soon as your dog bites you. This can frighten your dog and spread the message that you actually got hurt because of it. If you find it as a hard task to convey the message through a scream, you can simply growl. In addition, you need to make sure that you scream loud enough so that the dog understand what has really happened. When you continue such behavior for some time, you will get the opportunity to keep your dog away from biting you.

Your dog might bite you when you are playing with him. In that kind of a situation, you need to stop encouraging the dog to bite you when you are playing. The dogs think that their owners are always in playing moods. That’s the main reason why they tend to bite a lot. Moreover, you will be giving incorrect signals to your dog, especially when playing rough games. Therefore, you need to be mindful about the signals that you make as well.

People think that their dogs tend to bite them with their ferociousness. Even though people think like that, the dogs actually bite people because they want to play. That’s why it is extremely important for all the people to have a better understanding on how to stop a dog from biting. You need to keep an eye on your dog and see at what times they become playful. If you want to keep the dog away from biting, you should never roll on the floor with your dog. If you do it, your dog might think that are one of the pack. Then they would tend to bite you without any hesitation.

If these methods don’t work for you, you will need to seek the assistance of a reputed dog training guide. That’s where The Online Dog Trainer comes into play. This comprehensive dog training guide will let you know the most convenient method that you can follow in order to keep the dog away from biting you. The effectiveness of The Online Dog Trainer is guaranteed and you can subscribe to it without a doubt on mind.

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