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How To Teach Your Dog to Fetch and Heel

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Teach A Dog To Fetch
The key to training an animal is positive reinforcement. Rewarding the animal with a treat or piece of food for performing the desired task is an example of this.

Step 1: Throw the item you want the dog to fetch. If he retrieves it and returns it to you, give him a treat and verbal cues that they did a good job. Dogs are very responsive to this type of behavior. If he doesn’t do it, physically take them by the collar gently towards the item you want them to retrieve. Pick it up and bring it back to where you were.

Step 2: Throw it again and bring the dog to the item. If he goes to chase it, great. If not, gently bring him over to it and give him a treat.

Step 3: Keep repeating this behavior until he picks it up on his own. When he finally get its, give him a lot of verbal praise along with some physical affection, a gentle pat on the back or head.

Step 4: Continue to repeat the cycle of throw, go and return with praise.

Step 5: Every time the dog does what you want him to do, heap on the praise or give him the treat. It make take several times to get him to do exactly what you want.

Step 6: Be persistent and consistent. Dogs love knowing what is expected of them and the reward that follows.

Teach Your Dog To Heel
Step 1: Make sure you have dog treats in your hand or pocket before you start.

Step 2: You should put your dog on their leash for this training.

Step 3: Begin to walk in one direction with your pooch following close behind you. Once you two have been walking for a few moments, begin to jog.

Step 4: After jogging long enough for your dog to be jogging or running with you, abruptly stop and, at the same time, give a small jerk on their leash and, in a stern voice, say “heel” and then “sit”. This will teach them that when you stop but they keep running, they should sit down when give the “heel” command.

Step 5: If your dog stops and does not try to keep running, give them a treat to show that they were supposed to stop.

Step 6: Begin to run in the other direction, allowing your dog to follow behind again and repeat step 4.

Step 7: After a few times of teaching them with the slight jerk on the leash, try running and stopping without pulling on the leash at all and saying “heel” with no “sit” command. They should stop in their tracks and sit. If they do, reward them with a couple of treats.

Step 8: Repeat the process a few times a day to make sure they know the command. This command requires patience and encouragement, so be sure to never pull on the leash too hard.

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